The Trinity Is Like 3 States Of Matter

a: The trinity ~
b: 3 states of matter

What: " In a simple analogy, the Trinity (as taught in Catholicism) is like the three states of matter that water can take. While all three are distinct from one another, they are all of the same substance. They don't combine to fully form God, nor is one any more divine than the other. The Catholic Church's reasoning behind this teaching is basically as follows: "--->see the linked comments.....

Writer: Ordeith
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:45 AM

By Abre on 2020-June-23

Topic: The Trinity

This is a bad analogy because it purports to explain the entirety of the nature of the Trinity; One being (substance) and three centres of consciousness (persons). There are more than 3 states of matter and they do not persist simultaneously in a single substance/object.


By Abre on 2020-June-23

Topic: The Trinity

This is a bad analogy because it purports to explain the entirety of the nature of the Trinity; One being (substance) and three centres of consciousness (persons). There are more than 3 states of matter and they do not persist simultaneously in a single substance/object.


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